We Are Oakland: A Love Letter

  • Oakland is a city with a bad reputation, but dig just a bit and you will find a city filled with people who care deeply about their hometown and are passionate about turning it around.

Healthcare in California’s Central Valley

  • Golden Valley Health Centers’ CEO and founder Michael Sullivan was retiring after 40 years. The board wanted to honor his legacy and highlight the impact of the healthcare clinics in a community that was being underserved by the traditional healthcare system.

Recession Weary

  • Contra Costa County employees are tired of the status quo. Over the last ten years, county employees earned $36,228 less than necessary to keep up with the cost of living. Their story speaks to the difficulties of inadequate salaries, increased costs for health insurance, and the growing sentiment of not being respected or valued.

Get To Know Your Union

  • As Local 21’s Contra Costa County unit went into contract negations they wanted a piece that reminded their union members what initially brought Local 21 to Contra Costa County.

Together We Are Stronger

  • The Jewish Federation of the East Bay wanted a fundraising video with the look and feel of a documentary.

Strongman of Science

  • Rob Meulenberg is a pro strongman. He can flip 900-pound tractor tires. But there is more to Rob than his strength.

Motherlode of Trophies

  • In a disposable culture of programmed obsolescence, the owners of the Shack Up Inn set out to salvage some junk and end up preserving Delta history.

    Old trophies, boy scout badges and photographs are among the relics scattered throughout the rooms and grounds, off Highway 49 in Hopson, Mississippi.

    People journey to the inn from all over the world to troll through things most would discard. Some are there to reconnect with their culture, while others come from afar in search of something authentic.